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  • Will Stewart's Fourth Studio Album, Moon Winx - OUT NOW

    Will Stewart's Fourth Studio Album, Moon Winx - OUT NOW

    Earth Libraries presents Moon Winx, the fourth studio album from Birmingham-based Americana artist, Will Stewart.  The album is centered around the iconic, and now defunct, Moon Winx Lodge in Tuscaloosa, AL, and some of the characters and scenarios— both real and imagined—...

  • Will Stewart Announces Fourth Album, "Moon Winx", due February 28th

    Will Stewart Announces Fourth Album, "Moon Winx", due February 28th

    Earth Libraries is proud to announce the release of Will Stewart's fourth studio album, Moon Winx, due February 28th (Digital / LP).  Stewart’s newest offering sees him poised to deliver his most ambitious project yet, with a 10-track song cycle centered...

  • Arbes' Debut Album "Counterways" is out NOW!

    Arbes' Debut Album "Counterways" is out NOW!

    Earth Libraries is honored to join Third Eye Stimuli (AU) in sharing Arbes' debut album, Counterways. Existing on the cusp between ethereal and the more attention-seeking concerns of pop, Counterways invites listeners into an unusual sonic world of atmospheric depth. Front woman Jess Zanoni’s soulful,...

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