By Sophie Griffin

Bitter Calm's Sophomore LP "Eternity In The Lake of Fire" is out now!

Today Bitter Calm, the evocative and introspective band hailing from Birmingham, Alabama, shares their sophomore LP, Eternity In The Lake of Fire. The record promises to plunge listeners into an immersive and haunting exploration of profound emotional landscapes, echoing the tumultuous rains of their hometown.

Birmingham, known for its intense and unpredictable rainfall, serves as a fitting backdrop for Bitter Calm’s music. Unlike the gentle mists of the Pacific Northwest, Birmingham's rains come crashing down with an almost punitive force before vanishing as abruptly as they arrived. This ferocious meteorological phenomenon mirrors the band's unique sound—a kind of deeply, loudly, and profoundly sad music that resonates on a grand scale.

With Eternity In The Lake of Fire, Bitter Calm delves deeper into their signature style. Frontman Michael Harp, known for his intense and brooding performances, channels the same raw energy and emotional intensity that characterizes Birmingham’s storms. His songwriting, supported by violinist Meg Ford, bassist Alex Guin, and percussionist Chayse Porter, takes listeners on a dark and cathartic journey through self-annihilation and existential despair.

This album is not merely about experiencing sadness but about confronting and embracing it. As Harp and his bandmates forge ahead, they focus on the destination—the metaphorical “hell”—and the unrelenting descent into its depths. Rather than providing comfort or resolution, the music offers a stark confrontation with hopelessness, culminating in a haunting beauty that emerges from the abyss.

Eternity In The Lake of Fire is more than a record; it is an emotional expedition that challenges the boundaries of the genre and the listener’s psyche. The album's creation and the eventual performance represent a victory in themselves, offering a rare and profound relief found only in the act of creation.

Bitter Calm invites you to join them on this journey into the depths of human emotion. Eternity In The Lake of Fire is out now wherever you get your music.